Here's a great opportunity for the dems to show their spine on one issue. Hard to see other issues they're showing spine on. And you think when we have 61 or 95 dems that would change with the current leadership? 39 Republicans and handful of dems will continue to do the devils work. It will the mich sens and Mary when real alt fuel and cafe standards are proposed. Insurance companies will put the lock on Chris when the overall Obama plan fails and the plan b medicaid for everyone option is floated. They'll get our guy bob casey and those awful southern dem senators on the social issues stuff...
One final thing: a very wise man, Nathan Newman, said that the dems should have used the fillibuster when they were in the minority and gladly let the republican majority strip it from them. Now that looks pretty good. But what happened is that DLC/AIPAC duopoly essentially preserved the right of the fillibuster for the republicans to use in case some wacko decided to try and pass a bill that would help the public...I'm not mad at anybody I intend to vote for Barry but this is the reality. No substantive change in our lives will come from this government. There's other things that can be done or two of them anyway. Hope space exploration makes a singularity like leap and I'm off to Mars. I hear the soil is good for asparagus..
Philip Shropshire