Monday, August 25, 2008

How To Avoid Car Accidents

This comes from the California and Insurance Blog about things you shouldn't do in your car:

Parents magazine has a list in its July, 2008 edition with "5 Totally Unsafe Car Moves." Their top 5:

  1. Climbing into the backseat, while the car is moving;
  2. Picking up your baby while the car is moving;
  3. Traveling with pets loose in the car;
  4. Packing the car to the gills; (My car doesn't have gills, does yours?)
  5. Forgetting to double-check the car seat.

I have to tell you, other than #3 and maybe #4, none of these ever come up. After three kids, I can not count any times when anyone climbed into the backseat to be with the kids. The idea never even cross our minds. Nor did #2 or #5. I have traveled with an old dog to the vet with him sitting next to me. And once in a while, we put a lot of luggage in the car for a road trip. (Although, with gas prices being so high, the road trips are done for a while.)

Here are my 5 totally unsafe car moves:

  1. Putting on makeup while driving;
  2. Shaving while driving;
  3. Text messaging while driving;
  4. Changing your clothes while driving;
  5. Passing things between cars while driving.

Share your totally unsafe car moves with me.

I think you would be better off if you just ignore kids and makeup entirely but that's just me.

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I currently serve as the issues coordinator for the Greater Good Coalition. I have worked as a reporter, media watch columnist, ran a consumer group for three years and been an occasional pro se attorney. I've sold everything from vacuum cleaners to satelite dishes to computers. I am a huge fan (literally, I'm 6' 5") of comics and science fiction and am a Pop Culture addict in general. I am also an English Major.